Monday, October 09, 2006

All of the web stuff has been moved to the new server. Big Wahoo! There is more stuff to do, i.e. e-mail, file space, and user accounts, but the momentum is there. Neverwinter Nights on Fridays has been pretty good, the module we have been playing has been very challenging. There are a few games at Target that have crossed the $20 threshold, but I may not want to distract myself from the seven books I need to read and the Wednesday night D&D on-line.

I really need to start working on the Savage Tide stuff for the on-line gig. Prep, prep, prep. A couple of good evenings and I'll be ready. I still need to finish organizing the computer room. I've got two more piles of stuff in the living room and I'll be done. (Yeah right.)