Economics 101: for those of you who didn't learn it in the course of your public education, college, or have the benefit of someone with the knowledge in your family to teach you.
I really get tired of making the argument on who really pays corporate taxes. WE DO, the consumer. Taxes are in the 'cost of doing business' side of the books. Guess what? Really... If you raise taxes, especially to the punitive levels some of the fecktards in Washington desire, every company in the country is going to have to raise their prices. And we will pay it, because "we" wanted it by voting in a bunch of socialist dimwits. That's how it works, so don't be stoopid and argue it otherwise.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Thursday, November 06, 2008
November 2008: The end of reason
I'm not going to go into the discussion about "its the government's responsibility to...", that is a political opinion and there is no correct answer. I hear the most malformed reasoning leading into peoples voting habits, and I have resigned to merely point out facts on how things work and what people do, not what they say. There were a lot of words tossed around before November, some of them being not so well thought out.
Sara Palin has more public service experience than Barak Obama. But they weren't running for the same office, were they. The Republicans ran moderate and lost. That happens every time they do it, and they seem to forget it. Personally, I like John McCain but I don't like his politics. Obama was a liberal lawyer, and had done nothing to stir controversy in his political move, except perhaps having the worst voting and attendance record in the senate. He was a paper candidate foisted up by billionaire Democrats and the media orgy. CNN and NPR both lost my patronage with their loss of sensibilities in this election.
The Libertarian Party was deliberately kept off the the ballot in a few states, so they had to fight it out in the courts. I donated money to the Libertarian cause, and voted for Bob Barr. Why? Because REAL CHANGE does not come from Democrats or Republicans. They are the parties in power.
Democrats in Congress have a lower approval rating than President George Bush. Why did more Democrats get elected then? Stupidity. George Bush's biggest mistake was straying from core conservative values, and not taking the Democrats to mat on several issues. The medicare prescription drug benefit was a complete sellout, and abandonment of being fiscally responsible.
I'm not going to go into the discussion about "its the government's responsibility to...", that is a political opinion and there is no correct answer. I hear the most malformed reasoning leading into peoples voting habits, and I have resigned to merely point out facts on how things work and what people do, not what they say. There were a lot of words tossed around before November, some of them being not so well thought out.
Sara Palin has more public service experience than Barak Obama. But they weren't running for the same office, were they. The Republicans ran moderate and lost. That happens every time they do it, and they seem to forget it. Personally, I like John McCain but I don't like his politics. Obama was a liberal lawyer, and had done nothing to stir controversy in his political move, except perhaps having the worst voting and attendance record in the senate. He was a paper candidate foisted up by billionaire Democrats and the media orgy. CNN and NPR both lost my patronage with their loss of sensibilities in this election.
The Libertarian Party was deliberately kept off the the ballot in a few states, so they had to fight it out in the courts. I donated money to the Libertarian cause, and voted for Bob Barr. Why? Because REAL CHANGE does not come from Democrats or Republicans. They are the parties in power.
Democrats in Congress have a lower approval rating than President George Bush. Why did more Democrats get elected then? Stupidity. George Bush's biggest mistake was straying from core conservative values, and not taking the Democrats to mat on several issues. The medicare prescription drug benefit was a complete sellout, and abandonment of being fiscally responsible.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Thoughts on the war in Iraq.
The press, going into the war got it all wrong. Their dates were off by an order of magnitude, and painted such a doom and gloom scenario, I wondered if they had any faith in our military at all. Three guys sitting around a lunch table, with a better-than-average understanding of history, got it right. Exactly right. And guess what... according to those same predictions we will be in Iraq for several more years. Why? Islamic culture has fallen into medieval thuggery, and it will take a great deal of time to bring them into the modern era.
We got the intelligence wrong, and so did every other government participating in the various UN monitoring activities. I don't think the endless, nagging discussion on any alleged alterations of the intelligence data is productive at this point. Most of the insiders from the administration who are reporting this have made and are making a lot of money from book and movie deals. This is, of course, the media rewarding opinions that it likes and that advance its agendas.
Saddam needed killing. He was an evil man, and I don't want to hear any blathering about it. He was working on weapons of mass destruction. He had used chemical weapons in the past. His sons were even more sickly twisted monsters.
Iraq was not involved in 911. That is Bullshit. There were medical records of Taliban from Afghanistan being treated in hospitals. Saddam was funneling money to them, as well as goods and services paid for by the UN-oil-for-food fiasco.
The UN is useless. Especially went soooo many countries are run by dictators. The real humor is when these same dictators use the 'democratic' UN for their self-serving douchebaggery. If a dictator from a tiny country can make a sham out of the UN, why do we treat it like the greatest evolutionary step of mankind? Stoopid.
I refuse to accept, on equal terms, a culture who treats women and children as property, uses violence to promote internal political control, and is not willing to tolerate social differences. Arab culture is the most zealotrous, hateful, and intolerant of any society today.
Yes, I believe there is a need for violence (i.e. war) as an outward projection of political beliefs. The problem in today's scenario is that islamic militants operate like criminals, and function openly in some countries. If there is a haven for these monsters, it must be eliminated. I want to live free, and I want to live in a country where I don't have to worry about bombs going off in schools, public areas, or busses. If this means we have to fight the fight in someone else's backyard, so be it.
The press, going into the war got it all wrong. Their dates were off by an order of magnitude, and painted such a doom and gloom scenario, I wondered if they had any faith in our military at all. Three guys sitting around a lunch table, with a better-than-average understanding of history, got it right. Exactly right. And guess what... according to those same predictions we will be in Iraq for several more years. Why? Islamic culture has fallen into medieval thuggery, and it will take a great deal of time to bring them into the modern era.
We got the intelligence wrong, and so did every other government participating in the various UN monitoring activities. I don't think the endless, nagging discussion on any alleged alterations of the intelligence data is productive at this point. Most of the insiders from the administration who are reporting this have made and are making a lot of money from book and movie deals. This is, of course, the media rewarding opinions that it likes and that advance its agendas.
Saddam needed killing. He was an evil man, and I don't want to hear any blathering about it. He was working on weapons of mass destruction. He had used chemical weapons in the past. His sons were even more sickly twisted monsters.
Iraq was not involved in 911. That is Bullshit. There were medical records of Taliban from Afghanistan being treated in hospitals. Saddam was funneling money to them, as well as goods and services paid for by the UN-oil-for-food fiasco.
The UN is useless. Especially went soooo many countries are run by dictators. The real humor is when these same dictators use the 'democratic' UN for their self-serving douchebaggery. If a dictator from a tiny country can make a sham out of the UN, why do we treat it like the greatest evolutionary step of mankind? Stoopid.
I refuse to accept, on equal terms, a culture who treats women and children as property, uses violence to promote internal political control, and is not willing to tolerate social differences. Arab culture is the most zealotrous, hateful, and intolerant of any society today.
Yes, I believe there is a need for violence (i.e. war) as an outward projection of political beliefs. The problem in today's scenario is that islamic militants operate like criminals, and function openly in some countries. If there is a haven for these monsters, it must be eliminated. I want to live free, and I want to live in a country where I don't have to worry about bombs going off in schools, public areas, or busses. If this means we have to fight the fight in someone else's backyard, so be it.
Saturday, August 02, 2008
Life without the media... almost.
I have been without radio for a while now. My iPod has been used more now than ever. I've got two dozen, mostly technology, podcasts to which I've subscribed. The only political exposure now is the 10 minute segment I catch on the radio while I shower, and the water-cooler conversations at work. I think Obama is a paper candidate propped up by the ultra-rich democrats, and just another smooth-talking lawyer. McCain is probably a nicer guy, but I don't like his politics either. "Bob Barr for President!", I say.
I am finally catching up on my housework, and getting ready to update OGGoO. I have more ideas than time. Time, time, time. Sadly, there never seems to be enough of it.
I have been without radio for a while now. My iPod has been used more now than ever. I've got two dozen, mostly technology, podcasts to which I've subscribed. The only political exposure now is the 10 minute segment I catch on the radio while I shower, and the water-cooler conversations at work. I think Obama is a paper candidate propped up by the ultra-rich democrats, and just another smooth-talking lawyer. McCain is probably a nicer guy, but I don't like his politics either. "Bob Barr for President!", I say.
I am finally catching up on my housework, and getting ready to update OGGoO. I have more ideas than time. Time, time, time. Sadly, there never seems to be enough of it.
Friday, July 04, 2008
Hmmm... What did I do on the 4th of July?
I slept until 3pm, and apparently I left my cell out in the truck. So after checking in with the voice mail, I took care of the Oglesby's hermit crab, went shopping for food, and drove out to the suburbs of the greater metropolitan area of Ohio county.
Food, Fireworks, and Friends. I had a good time, got back around 1:30am, chatted for a couple of hours and then finally ZZZzzz...
I slept until 3pm, and apparently I left my cell out in the truck. So after checking in with the voice mail, I took care of the Oglesby's hermit crab, went shopping for food, and drove out to the suburbs of the greater metropolitan area of Ohio county.
Food, Fireworks, and Friends. I had a good time, got back around 1:30am, chatted for a couple of hours and then finally ZZZzzz...
Saturday, June 28, 2008
My immersion into podcasts is already flooding me with interesting idea, tips, and topics to pursue. Yesterday and today I was focused on the culture around "GTD", or Getting Things Done. I don't remember exactly what let me to the topic, but it may have been a reference to the "Hipster PDA"
David Allen is the dude who wrote the book. His main website is-
And I am listening to a YouTube of him now-
There is an interesting app MonkeyGTD, that I am going to play with and read the code. It is a self-contained HTML and Javascript application.
"We all carry within us our places of exile, our crimes, our ravages. Our task is not to unleash them on the world; it is to transform them in ourselves and others." -Albert Camus
David Allen is the dude who wrote the book. His main website is-
And I am listening to a YouTube of him now-
There is an interesting app MonkeyGTD, that I am going to play with and read the code. It is a self-contained HTML and Javascript application.
"We all carry within us our places of exile, our crimes, our ravages. Our task is not to unleash them on the world; it is to transform them in ourselves and others." -Albert Camus
Thursday, June 26, 2008
I listened to a podcast with Dan Ingalls as the guest. He belongs in the hall of fame as a member of the first generation ubergeek.
Listening to his history and the evolution of Smalltalk really took me back to the 'golden years' of personal computing.
*up on soapbox*
I am on day three of "little to no radio". I have filled that space with podcasts, my iPod is loaded with nothing but podcasts. I really feel that my time is better spend listening to the programs that I choose, rather than listening to NPR prattle on with the "we-love-obama" orgy. I like McCain personally, but I don't agree with is politics. The Obama-lama-rama coverate, his speeches and his fans annoy me to no end. Obama is a paper tiger, a liberal stool, elevated by the ultra-rich liberal Democrats. He is just another lawyer and has as much depth as a sheet of paper. Surrounded by nut-jobs, he has not done anything even close being noteworthy. Why the press is so facinated with him and his so-called phenomenon, is beyond my ability to tolerate. If I donate to public radio, I am complaining about NPR and I no longer support thier efforts. Not a dime from me. Terry Gross and Fresh Air are already on my list of things that suck. It is a good thing that our local talk radio has Dennis Miller on in the same time slot.
I am activly eliminating every bit of traditional media from my life. They are mostly a waste of time. No TV, no news on the radio. Certain sources on the Internet will be my sole actively monitered new source. Piss-off ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, New York, LA and Hollywood.
"The art of living... is neither careless drifting on the one hand nor fearful clinging to the past on the other. It consists in being sensitive to each moment, in regarding it as utterly new and unique, in having the mind open and wholly receptive." -Alan Watts
Listening to his history and the evolution of Smalltalk really took me back to the 'golden years' of personal computing.
*up on soapbox*
I am on day three of "little to no radio". I have filled that space with podcasts, my iPod is loaded with nothing but podcasts. I really feel that my time is better spend listening to the programs that I choose, rather than listening to NPR prattle on with the "we-love-obama" orgy. I like McCain personally, but I don't agree with is politics. The Obama-lama-rama coverate, his speeches and his fans annoy me to no end. Obama is a paper tiger, a liberal stool, elevated by the ultra-rich liberal Democrats. He is just another lawyer and has as much depth as a sheet of paper. Surrounded by nut-jobs, he has not done anything even close being noteworthy. Why the press is so facinated with him and his so-called phenomenon, is beyond my ability to tolerate. If I donate to public radio, I am complaining about NPR and I no longer support thier efforts. Not a dime from me. Terry Gross and Fresh Air are already on my list of things that suck. It is a good thing that our local talk radio has Dennis Miller on in the same time slot.
I am activly eliminating every bit of traditional media from my life. They are mostly a waste of time. No TV, no news on the radio. Certain sources on the Internet will be my sole actively monitered new source. Piss-off ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, New York, LA and Hollywood.
"The art of living... is neither careless drifting on the one hand nor fearful clinging to the past on the other. It consists in being sensitive to each moment, in regarding it as utterly new and unique, in having the mind open and wholly receptive." -Alan Watts
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
I spent quite a bit of time getting organized at work. With the IBM Lotus Domino wrap-up, there are lots of loose threads to chase. Scott is on vacation this week, and Markus is in his last week of Metrology hell. Its really difficult to get anything other than the day-to-day stuff done with two people out.
Sophie and Lucy's dance recital was postponed (canceled) until they can resolve the issue of finding a place to host the event. I think the fine school system of Daviess County Kentucky needs to get their collective heads out of their collective butts. But that is just me. OK, its not just me but I'll leave it at that.
I'm done watching the machine run, I think it is time to wander home and listen to my new podcast only iPod setup.
"Zen is not some kind of excitement, but concentration on our usual everyday routine." -Shunryu Suzuki
Sophie and Lucy's dance recital was postponed (canceled) until they can resolve the issue of finding a place to host the event. I think the fine school system of Daviess County Kentucky needs to get their collective heads out of their collective butts. But that is just me. OK, its not just me but I'll leave it at that.
I'm done watching the machine run, I think it is time to wander home and listen to my new podcast only iPod setup.
"Zen is not some kind of excitement, but concentration on our usual everyday routine." -Shunryu Suzuki
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
It seems that my blogging experience and/or practices revolve around moments of introspection. My lack of routine helps maintaining the 'empty mind' state, but impedes my ability to focus will and motivation at a particular task.
This realization has caused me to move my Zen calendar to my desk and work and I will try to quote from it each day. That is a small step to a larger goal.
"Always aim at complete harmony of thought and word and deed. Always aim at purifying your thoughts and everything will be well." -Gandhi
This realization has caused me to move my Zen calendar to my desk and work and I will try to quote from it each day. That is a small step to a larger goal.
"Always aim at complete harmony of thought and word and deed. Always aim at purifying your thoughts and everything will be well." -Gandhi
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
The Evils of Popular Politics
The entire system of re-electing politicians entrenches the existence of the federal government. There are few people who would like to see the "big" government taken apart and passed back down to the states. Outsource the huge "entitlement" programs to private businesses, then let state and county governments buy those administrative/insurance coverage programs.
The federal government can do very little to our fair nations economy to spur it upward. It can do a great deal to squash it. The housing market crash is not a national problem. It is about banks making stupid loans to people who didn't have enought sense to say no. They are the ones that should pay for their mistakes, not all of us. It was not a natural disaster or something out of thier control. It was and act of bad judgement, and for that the lesson needs to be learned. The Government to the Rescue will not fix anything.
As for candidates, I think I've narrowed it down to liking Fred Thompson or Ron Paul. Though not a perfect fit, they are close. Neither Mit Romney or John McCain give me a warm fuzzy and will probably leave me voting Libertarian in 2008
The entire system of re-electing politicians entrenches the existence of the federal government. There are few people who would like to see the "big" government taken apart and passed back down to the states. Outsource the huge "entitlement" programs to private businesses, then let state and county governments buy those administrative/insurance coverage programs.
The federal government can do very little to our fair nations economy to spur it upward. It can do a great deal to squash it. The housing market crash is not a national problem. It is about banks making stupid loans to people who didn't have enought sense to say no. They are the ones that should pay for their mistakes, not all of us. It was not a natural disaster or something out of thier control. It was and act of bad judgement, and for that the lesson needs to be learned. The Government to the Rescue will not fix anything.
As for candidates, I think I've narrowed it down to liking Fred Thompson or Ron Paul. Though not a perfect fit, they are close. Neither Mit Romney or John McCain give me a warm fuzzy and will probably leave me voting Libertarian in 2008
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
I have so many scraps of paper that need to be translated into posts. *sigh* There is simply not enough time.
Today I dropped a PC on my big toe at work. It hurt. It still hurts. There is no broken skin, but if it doesn't feel better by tomorrow, I may have broken a toe. Otherwise, work was fairly productive today.
I started working on Sophie's and Lucy's PCs tonight. I need to by two small desks, and a bed. I've got a table full of paperwork that still needs to be processed. *bleh*
Jason came over tonight and we went to Starbucks. For the record, T-mobile sucks for charging for WiFi. I hope the county-wide WiFi project ends that douchebaggery. Panera Bread and Beef O'Brady's are free WiFi spots. I'm not sure about Books-a-Million, but Jason and I will find out soon.
It's after my bedtime now. Time to sleep.
Today I dropped a PC on my big toe at work. It hurt. It still hurts. There is no broken skin, but if it doesn't feel better by tomorrow, I may have broken a toe. Otherwise, work was fairly productive today.
I started working on Sophie's and Lucy's PCs tonight. I need to by two small desks, and a bed. I've got a table full of paperwork that still needs to be processed. *bleh*
Jason came over tonight and we went to Starbucks. For the record, T-mobile sucks for charging for WiFi. I hope the county-wide WiFi project ends that douchebaggery. Panera Bread and Beef O'Brady's are free WiFi spots. I'm not sure about Books-a-Million, but Jason and I will find out soon.
It's after my bedtime now. Time to sleep.
Monday, January 21, 2008
Making Time
So far the first two weeks of this year have slipped by me. But I did well today to change direction. I keep a calorie point tally for my food today, and I hit the treadmill for 60 minutes. I had my iPod in the car, but I didn't want to go back outside for it.
I need to write here, a bit every day, to keep on top of things. The process should help me keep focused on my goals. There are many things for which I need closure and resolution. At least there are enough things in my reemerging social life to keep me distracted these days.
Well I have bills to pay, chores to do, and I have to be in bed by 11:30 pm (new rule).
So far the first two weeks of this year have slipped by me. But I did well today to change direction. I keep a calorie point tally for my food today, and I hit the treadmill for 60 minutes. I had my iPod in the car, but I didn't want to go back outside for it.
I need to write here, a bit every day, to keep on top of things. The process should help me keep focused on my goals. There are many things for which I need closure and resolution. At least there are enough things in my reemerging social life to keep me distracted these days.
Well I have bills to pay, chores to do, and I have to be in bed by 11:30 pm (new rule).
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