Friday, August 06, 2010


I have spent more time playing games at this GenCon than any other.  My picture taking is waaaay behind.  I am getting some video though.  5 hours of gaming a day takes a big chunk out of the time to stroll the exhibition floor.  I played to Pathfinder Society events, they were quite good.  The groups Seth and I played with were a lot of fun.  I now have two first level Pathfinder Society characters, adopted from the pregenerated pile.  I've been poking around with my Pathfinder account, getting them set up.

Tonight I'm meeting a few classmates from high school, and there is the Star Wars dance party at the Ugly Monkey.  OR possibly finding the 4th Ed dungeon delve or Tower of Gygax game to play.  I've got a new GenCon pastime, its called finding Hazelwood.  I've already found Waldo and have video to prove it.

Posted via email from thegreatwaldo's posterous

Wednesday, August 04, 2010

GenCon, Day 1

This morning is time for the the pack-and-prep.  I feel that I'm going to be traveling lighter, but that remains to be seen.  D&D rulebooks will be down to the core books for 3 systems, since the iPad will have the accessory books.  The camera bag will be smaller, now that I have the Kodak Zi8.  Doodling supplies will be down to almost nothing.

I don't have any specific purchase items, other than Gaming Paper and Campaign Cartographer.  And I have no specific events tagged.  Most of that will be planned tonight.  Time to get moving, 4 hours until departure.

Sunday, August 01, 2010

Move your data out of Facebook.

I have had a couple of cases where my Facebook data left me.  One case the FB brute squad deleted some pictures, and I could not get them to tell me which ones.  The second case is my old data seems to be dropping off the end of some time fence.  You really have no control of your data in Facebook, once it is in there.  There is no way to back it up or export it either.

Now I'm wiring up blogger to host the data that I want to keep.  Photobucket or some other picture site will be my repository for that media.  First is my recipe data.  Then the goofy stuff like Zombie lyrics.  I'll probably resort to posting in Friend Feed, or Posterous and let it post to Facebook.