So, after procrastinating for a great while, I have finally installed Xmarks, LassPass, and CrashPlan. This is not the most important set of to do items that I have, but they need to be done.
I live on four different computers (not counting virtual machines), and my bookmarks desperately needed cleaning up and synchronizing. I may actually start using bookmarks again, after resisting them and using my memory and Google. Xmarks has many good reviews and a fair deal of cross-platform-bowser support. Whatever it takes to keep me organized is a good thing.
My website passwords were getting sloppy and packing around a logbook was not practical. After hearing Steve Gibson's review of LastPass on the Security Now podcast, I was convinced that it was the password manager for me. Xmarks can do it, but at this point someone would have to convince Steve Gibson to switch away from LassPass before I would.
CrashPlan has a home plan for unlimited data on all the household's PC's hosted in the cloud, and it is quite a deal. I have a LOT of data. Having offsite backups is mandatory in a backup plan. Fire, Floods, and Tornadoes will easily wipe out the external hard drive in the desk or filing cabinet. I've got six computers that will be sharing this account and it will take weeks to move a copy of all my data into the cloud. I'd like to see a Drobo application for CrashPlan...
Now as I have typed this, I've noticed the media upload option for Posterous. Images, audio, video, and docs... Wow, I'm going to have to try this out.