Thoughts on the war in Iraq.
The press, going into the war got it all wrong. Their dates were off by an order of magnitude, and painted such a doom and gloom scenario, I wondered if they had any faith in our military at all. Three guys sitting around a lunch table, with a better-than-average understanding of history, got it right. Exactly right. And guess what... according to those same predictions we will be in Iraq for several more years. Why? Islamic culture has fallen into medieval thuggery, and it will take a great deal of time to bring them into the modern era.
We got the intelligence wrong, and so did every other government participating in the various UN monitoring activities. I don't think the endless, nagging discussion on any alleged alterations of the intelligence data is productive at this point. Most of the insiders from the administration who are reporting this have made and are making a lot of money from book and movie deals. This is, of course, the media rewarding opinions that it likes and that advance its agendas.
Saddam needed killing. He was an evil man, and I don't want to hear any blathering about it. He was working on weapons of mass destruction. He had used chemical weapons in the past. His sons were even more sickly twisted monsters.
Iraq was not involved in 911. That is Bullshit. There were medical records of Taliban from Afghanistan being treated in hospitals. Saddam was funneling money to them, as well as goods and services paid for by the UN-oil-for-food fiasco.
The UN is useless. Especially went soooo many countries are run by dictators. The real humor is when these same dictators use the 'democratic' UN for their self-serving douchebaggery. If a dictator from a tiny country can make a sham out of the UN, why do we treat it like the greatest evolutionary step of mankind? Stoopid.
I refuse to accept, on equal terms, a culture who treats women and children as property, uses violence to promote internal political control, and is not willing to tolerate social differences. Arab culture is the most zealotrous, hateful, and intolerant of any society today.
Yes, I believe there is a need for violence (i.e. war) as an outward projection of political beliefs. The problem in today's scenario is that islamic militants operate like criminals, and function openly in some countries. If there is a haven for these monsters, it must be eliminated. I want to live free, and I want to live in a country where I don't have to worry about bombs going off in schools, public areas, or busses. If this means we have to fight the fight in someone else's backyard, so be it.