Monday, September 28, 2009

Monday Survived

Well after being off for a week:  I've made a first pass at my e-mail, completed two help desks, help with a server fire drill, and moved my new notebook over to my desk.  I can say that Dell's 2408WFP monitor is very nice.  I haven't gotten to take a drive on the notebook yet, but it should be quite nice.  My week off yielded a 30% success on my less-than-ambitious to-do list, so it's the nose to the grindstone now.

Posted via web from thegreatwaldo's posterous

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Humanity should be held to a higher standard than its governments.

Government will not make you strong.
Government will not make you compassionate.
Government will not make you moral.
Government will not make you wise.
Government will not make you peaceful.
Government will not make you just.
Government will not make you kind.
Government will not make you safe.
Government will not make you good.
Government will not make you happy.
Government will not make you free.
Government will not make you live.

Individuals should be held to a higher standard than humanity.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

I'm ready for my week off, my to-do list is really starting to bug me.

There are so many fun things that I want to do, that only a week off (not traveling) will begin to make a dent in it.  I am going to have to plan my time off and budget time for things.  Otherwise, I will probably squander an opportunity to get a few things done.  First on the list, I have two websites that need some attention.  I need to work on my list too...

Posted via web from thegreatwaldo's posterous

Saturday, September 05, 2009

Shrink the Federal Government

I reject, as a matter of primary principle, any solution to any problem that grows the size, financial requirements, or function of the Federal Government. The inane Kobayashi Maru morality quips like "No one should die because she cannot afford health care, and no one should go broke because she gets sick. If you agree, please post this as your status for the next 24 hours" will not go unchallenged if I see them. If the government can't afford her health care, she dies. What do you do then? Call the UN? HA!

The Christians and Buddhists have an interesting solution to this dilemma, that doesn't involve further enslavement to the Great Government Bureaucracy. Having the services of the government be the determining factor of how our society is considered just or compassionate demonstrates a fallacy of understanding that I cannot tolerate.

Furthermore, I will argue with anyone who considers my political opinion wrong. I am entitled to have it, speak my mind, and convince others to accept my viewpoint. This country was founded on the free exchange of ideas from groups of people who did not agree. Arguing challenges the issue or solution to be the best it can be. If all the problems are made know, we will be better for it. The great political debate is what sets us apart from China, Cuba, Iran, or North Korea. As pointless as you might think the political bickering is, it most certainly has a point. Especially if you can agree to disagree.

And I reject the notion that "we have to do something". No, we do not. I would rather take the status quo, over increasing government interference in my life. Socialism is wrong, and I know this to be true. If I call someone a socialist, I see them as a threat to my freedom, politically and economically. I do not see Europe as a more evolved, smarter, or more cultured example of what society should be like.

Friday, September 04, 2009

Archiving apps and data for Snow Leopard upgrade. I'm glad I have a Drobo.

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Looking forward to upgrading to Snow Leopard

I just got my copy of Snow Leopard!!!  Thank you Apple and Federal Express.  A bargain at $29, the wipe and reload on the Mac Platform is as smooth as it gets.  Tonight, after the kids are in bed, I'll get started so I can be ready for the game Sunday.

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My copy of Snow Leopard is here!!!

I've got my copy of Snow Leopard now, thank you Apple and FexEx.  Tonight is the wipe and reload of my MacBook, after the kids are in bed.  I am really looking forward to this, migrating between Mac installs is one of the smoothest processes I've seen.  I need to have it ready for the game Sunday.

Posted via web from thegreatwaldo's posterous

Day 3 of trying to install the Visual Studio 2010 Beta.

Really, the downloader app should be able to handle this, but it gets lost at step 7/24 and can't download the rest.  Trying to download the ISO fails around 300MB into the download.  If Microsoft had this via a torrent, even if the ISPs were underhandedly throttling the speed down to 4KB, eventually I would get the image.  Maybe I can find a page to request a DVD mailed to me for free.

Posted via web from thegreatwaldo's posterous

Friday, August 28, 2009

Let the weekend begin!

The workday is done.  Time to go home, relax, and gear up for Movie Night and my sister's reception.

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Friday, August 21, 2009


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Why I like Fridays...

Friday afternoon everyone races to get out.  The plant gets quiet, and I can start tinkering with servers without anyone noticing.  Time for quality uninterrupted work.  Scott will be twitching when he finds out I'm on a rebooting spree.

Also craking open the code for our help desk system.  mmm...  code...

Posted via web from thegreatwaldo's posterous

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Cleaning out the Help Desk queue

Having 26 help desk tickets assigned to me is a bit much.  The rest of this week will be spent, cleaning my queue.  Time to put a few projects on hold for a bit.  Scott will be back next week, the whole deptartment will be reunited, and I might get back on track.

Posted via web from thegreatwaldo's posterous

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


I brought my cappuccino maker to work a couple of years ago.  As I sip my latte, I wonder why I still don't use it more often.

Posted via web from thegreatwaldo's posterous

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Glad to be back at work

I'm glad to be back at work.  Five days of sleep-deprived gaming madness is enough for me.  It took a day to recover and get back in sync with normal time.  My inbox was overflowing with mail, and I still have yet to get through it all.  Things have been fairly quiet this morning, only a couple of visitors.  I hope to get orgainized this afternoon and get ready for the rest of the week.  Scott is out this week, so some of his distractions might come my way.

Posted via web from thegreatwaldo's posterous

Monday, August 17, 2009

The Adventure Ends

Departing GenCon, with a bag full of goodies. I may sleep the rest of the day. I can't wait to unpack, fun fun fun. Now for the long drive home.

Posted via email from thegreatwaldo's posterous

Recovery Day

I think I've finally caught up on my sleep.  I need to unpack, do laundry, do dishes, make a post office run, organize, and process pictures.  Work starts tomorrow, and I'm not quite ready to go back.  My to do list has grown, without getting anything done last week.  But that's what vacations are all about.

Posted via web from thegreatwaldo's posterous

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Friday, August 14, 2009

Biker Babe

Here you go Markus...

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Bikini Babe

The costumes seem to be fewer this year.

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0 for 8

Tried to register for some specific events...  all sold out.  So I made a second pass at the exhibition floor.  Checked off a lot of Fantasy Grounds licenses, Jason will poo poo all over it.  Might have to leave him out of the fun.  Bought a copy of "The Games" and "Dorkness Rising", so I can punish friends and family with them.  Bought a copy of Hero Builder, it supports the Pathfinder rule set and seems quite a bit more polished than PCGen.  

Going the eat at the noodle place for lunch in a bit.  The prices are cheap, and I am in the mood for some thai-peanuty goodness.  And Seth and I can sit on the sidewalk and take pictures of the passersby.  Hmm...  I need to publish some pictures now...

Posted via web from thegreatwaldo's posterous

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Eating at the Rock Bottom Brewery

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Lunch at Alcatraz Brewing Co

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Indy skyline

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The Big Score!

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The crowd

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The Exhibition Floor

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Successfully aquired 5 Pathfinder Core Rulebook's with signatures. Huzzah!

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The are hundreds of people in line for Paizo's Pathfinder Rulebook!!!

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The are hundreds of people in line for Paizo's Pathfinder Rulebook!!!

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Finished breakfast at Steak and Shake. Time to hit the exhibition floor.

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GenCon Day 0

Seth and I got off to a bit of a late start, but stopping for lunch at a Frish's Big Boy where the statue had been given a pirate makeover was great. Visited Roscoe and Sadie, then went up to see Jack, George, Angie and Mom. Then we made a mad dash to Fry's Electronics were I picked up a spare battery for my Canon SLR and a firewire cable for the camcorder. They had a sale on x233 speed 4GB compact flash cards so I picked up a couple of those too.

Checking into the Marriott when smoothly enough, but much to our dismay, they now charge for Internet access. I think that really sucks for what they charge for the room. However, I figured out how to share my Internet connection while tethered to the iPhone. 3G is like a DSL line in performance, and it rawks. Seth and I ate at the RAM, and now were are in the lobby where we thought the wireless was free. No, read more closely and the lobby is the only wireless. The rooms are cabled Ethernet only. Next year I am buying a 1 month MyFi card from Verizon and putting and end to this douchbaggery.

Time to pick events to visit tomorrow. First order of business is getting Pathfinder rule books.

Ready for pictures, debating taking the video camera. Hmm...

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Enjoying a tastey Privateer Porter at the RAM in scenic downtown Indy.

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Room at Marriott

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Picking up program and goodie bag.

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Time for shopping

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465 to Fry's

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Sadie says Hi

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Roscoe is thirsty

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New Albany is a land of 3G and it is nice.

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Big Boy Pirate!

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I have 5 bars and no data. AT&T is a feckless, douchebaggerous bit-miser.

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Getting underway to GenCon

All packed. Waiting for Seth to arrive. Traveling with two less bags this year. We are going to visit Fry's before checking into the hotel. Good times ahead!

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Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The Checklist for GenCon

5 days of clothes
camera, camcorder
core D&D books
GenCon badges and reservations
Pirate Flag
chargers, batteries
downloaded event guide
[buy battery for digital rebel]
toiletries & medicines
rubber ducks

 Sent from my iPhone

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I'm testing Posterous as my one-stop tool for posting GenCon info.

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Wednesday, June 17, 2009

My beef with AT&T wireless:

1- Services hours are crap, almost as bad as a bank.
2- I get charged the same for a data plan on Edge, that some more fortunate soul on 3G has to pay.
3- There is no 3G coverage in Owensboro, KY. I will also fault the FCC and the Owensboro City/Daviess County government for not facilitating a solution.
4- Charging SMS fees for someone with an unlimited data plan is completely inappropriate.

I am upgrading my iPhone to 3.0, yay. It would be YAY if there was 3.0 to be had...

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

"The White House on Monday said the new estimate of the budget deficit would nearly reach $2 trillion - that's trillion, with a "t" - and that's nearly 13 percent of the entire gross domestic product. Pretty gross any way you spin it, and the president's men (and women) are spinning it as best they can. Alas, the country's predicament, if not yet the president's, is probably worse than it looks." -Pruden/Washingtion Times

Through most of the history of our national debt it has remained around 7% of our GDP. This number is nearly double that, and halfway to Japan's milestone of 21% back when they were having their problems. The collective stupidity of congress has filled up the tank, and the wheelman is heading the wrong way. The only green part of it, is the color we are now bleeding. -Waldo

Saturday, March 28, 2009

I've gotten a few of my 'spring time' tasks completed. Tax info has been submitted to a CPA for completion. Spring cleaning is well underway. The kitchen table has been recovered for the purpose of dining.

I've downloaded an application for my MacBook called Scrivener, which is designed for writing. It is rather inexpensive at $39.95. The trial is generous too, the 30 days only count the days you use it. So until you get 30 days of use out of it, the trial continues. This is perfect for my sporadic tinkering.

I bought an iPhone and it is everything I hoped it would be. With the expaned capacity of the iPhone, and it's ability to play video, I've had to upgrade my MacBook drive from 80 to 320GB. The Western Digital Scorpio Black drive is pretty spiffy, 7200rpm with 5400rpm power consumption. The extra space is nice, I might actually have a Windows VM in Parallels along witht the Ubuntu VM. I've set up my AT&T wireless accound and voicemail, I should be all set.

I've installed Ruby and CVS in my Ubuntu VM, I'll have to see what databases it supports natively.

I think a nap is calling me, oh lazy rainy day.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

With the big 40 approaching soon, I've come to a few conclusions (in no particular order):
  1. There is not a journalist on this earth that understands economics any better than I do.
  2. Reporters that cover politics are bottom-feeders among bottom-feeders.
  3. Lawyers broke our government.
  4. Pastrami rawks.
  5. I want an iPhone.
  6. Anyone who wanted change and voted for a Democrat (or Republican) made a feckless blunder.
  7. 'The Media' has lost me. No radio, no TV, and I can barely tolerate some movies. It's just me and my iPod now, so ABC/NBC/CBS can all three kiss my arse.
  8. The role of the senate was well defined in the Federalist Papers. Especially 63, I think. The election of senators should be returned to state legislatures, of that I am certain.
  9. I need to start buying and learning how to use and maintain a collection of firearms.
  10. Islamic/Arabic culture is barbaric thuggery, and I will not accept it nor suffer the need for its existence.
  11. The southern half of California could wash into the Ocean, and I would not miss it at all.
  12. Montana, Wyoming, and the Dakotas seem like places to live.
  13. I do not accept Global Warming as a crisis, nor will I accept the panic reaction to dubious science.
  14. It will be nice to see the Northwest Passage again.
  15. The Chinese Government is Evil. (note the capital E)
  16. The Iranian, Syrian, and North Korean governments are evil.
  17. The Russian, French, and many African governments are selfish.
  18. Ice cream makes me happy.
  19. Diet Pepsi is the nastiest liquid offered as a beverage.
  20. Sushi is yummy good.
  21. Children are the joy of the world.
  22. I miss my hammock.
  23. I need to retire soon so I can work on my personal projects.
  24. I get by with a little help from my friends.
  25. I enjoy cooking, and eating.
  26. Microsoft Windows does not make me happy.
  27. Penguins are cool.
  28. Shakespeare already said it.
  29. Ketchup and Ranch Dressing are culinary excrement.
  30. Naps are good.