Thunderstorms are rolling through. The thunder has been big enough, that I can feel the vibration in the floor. Rain, rain and more rain. The weather has conspired to keep the basement from being built. NWN wrapped up a little early this evening, so I get a change to post, while I watch the weather for M. I'll have to go to bed in a while and wake her up so she can storm-watch. Tomorrow I need to spend some real time in the computer room organizing and paying bills.
I've just about got M's Ubuntu virtual machine finished. Just a couple of app installs and it will be ready to transfer to her PC mini. There are two virtual machines active on the Linux server (Atlas) now. One CentOS and one Ubuntu. I'll have to figure out how to consolidate the user authentication on the Linux boxes without falling back to the Windows 2003 SBS Premium server. And I've got four web sites to work on, yet I'm hacking on the blog. Phbbbb.
No one has posted any responses to anything, so I still feel free to go blah, blah, blah. Speaking of which, the idiot Sean Penn made a movie. This is only good because I can now, deliberately, ignore his work. This guy is as useless as Martin Sheen, Susan Sarandon, and Danny Glover. There collective stoopidity has annoyed me enough to not be a consumer of any of their "products". Why these people are taken seriously for the politically punditry is beyond me. Making a living pretending to be other people is not enough to be a credible opinion on anything, except for pretending to be other people. Their only real hobby is keeping their name in the news.
There is the rant for today.
P.S. e-mail PBS and give them grief for firing Melanie Martinez. Stooooopid heads.
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