Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Today was a fun and productive day. I had a summons for jury duty this afternoon. I was excused from this month's term, since I served 23 months ago, one month shy of the cut-off. I also made a trip to the court house for the car title transfer, Starbucks, the bank, the postoffice, the mall for a haircut. And I had a light lunch at the Famous Bistro.

I made a little progress getting nuke loaded up to the site. I am still hacking the config files out, but I probably make some progress tonight. S is still napping, L is up, and M in engaged in high-drama on one of her boards. I need to transfer one of my other domains to 1and1, or get my home server finished.

Note to self: need to get RPG destop software for online gaming.

It is a beautiful day today, there have been several in a row. The contractor is ready to pour the floor in our basement. As long as the weather holds, things will move along. I'll have to find something to go on a rant about soon...

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